Japanese Occupation Money

I recently stumbled across an interesting fact about Japanese Occupation during WW2. The Japanese government produced occupation currencies to use in different countries of occupation, and amongst these was an alteration to the Imperial Pound to be used in the proposed Occupation/Invasion of our land, Australia. The Japanese produced notes such as Guilders, Pesos, Dollars, and Pounds. These notes were used by the Japanese forces when situated in another country during the war.

These notes are generally refereed to as Japanese Invasion Money (JIM). The JIM pound was issued utilising the Australian pound as the basic monetary unit, and was developed to maintain economic stability within the occupied country. The Japanese government would usually print these notes prior to invasion, and with the Pound already printed for use in Australian mandated territories throughout British Oceania, the currency for the invasion of Australia was already in place. Anyway, thought you might find this interesting, and for all you collectors out there, check eBay!
